Sunday, September 3, 2017

Dear families in the Dr. King School Community,

Welcome to the new school year from your school's parent group/PTO, MLK Friends. MLK Friends seeks to build community and to assisting our school with enrichment activities. Learn more about our projects below. 

We look forward to a year of learning and growing at our school. We are so lucky to have talented teachers and staff at our school, and to have a vibrant school community.

Connect with others at these events
MLK Friends is hosting these events to help families connect:
- MLK Friends coffee Tuesday, September 5, 7:30am-8am McGee Street entrance
- MLK Friends playdate Tuesday, September 5, 4pm-6pm School yard
- MLK Friends coffee Thursday, September 7, 7:30am-8am McGee Street entrance
- School open house cookout Tuesday, September 19, 5-8pm - MLK Friends is sponsoring the main dishes for this event.

Get tips and information about our school
MLK Friends has developed the "Tips for New Families" and an "Unofficial Parent Guide" (please email for the link to the parent guide.)

Join our opt-in family directory through
MLK Friends is working on an opt-in online school directory so we can connect families in our community through an app called "Yana," developed by a school parent. To join this opt-in online school directory, type your name and email into this link:

We need your help too!
The Principal sent a letter with ideas on different ways to volunteer at our school. We welcome you to consider those opportunities, and to consider joining MLK Friends. Volunteering is fun and you can volunteer in whatever way best fits your schedule. 

The first MLK Friends meeting will be on Wednesday, September 13 at 8:00am in the school conference room. Please email Christina at for more information. 

Thanks so much and we look forward to meeting you at school!


Christina Lively
President, MLK Friends

We invite you to join MLK Friends! 
We invite you to join MLK Friends, the nonprofit Parent Organization (PTO) for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr School. MLK Friends meets once a month to assist our school with events, projects and to raise funding for enrichment programs at our school. Everyone is welcome to join! Please email Christina at 

What does MLK Friends do at our school? 
 Here are some ways MLK Friends helps provide enrichment at our school: 

- MLK Friends funds and helps to organize events at school 
In 2017, we supported events like the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration, the Chinese New Year celebration, the book fair, author visits, musical performances, the local civil rights leader panel, the lantern parade and other events. 

- MLK Friends funds and organizes events in our community 
In 2017, we supported a team for the Charles River Cleanup, a team for the Walk for Hunger, and sponsored a Unity Playdate for all schools. We also hold summer playdates for new and returning families. Our last playdate will be held on September 5 from 4 - 6PM at the school playground. 

- MLK Friends funds field trips 
In 2017 we supported field trips to Plimoth Plantation, Chinatown, Belmont Nature Center, Boston Children?s museum. This year, the government may cut funding for field trips, so fundraising for field trips through MLK Friends will be even more important. 

- MLK Friends funds scholarships
In 2017, MLK Friends was able to sponsor scholarships for 6 students from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School to go to the community school camp hosted at our school. 

- MLK Friends connects families 
Email and we will mail you our "Tips for New Parents" and "Unofficial Parent Guide." 
We help organize room parents for classrooms, and are working on an opt-in directory. 

How can you be involved? 
- Volunteer 
You can join MLK Friends at our meetings once a month, or volunteer for a committee or an event. We also help organize room parents ? please email us at for more information. 

- Donate 
You can join make a tax-deductible donation online on our website: As a non-profit, we can accept employer matching donations too.
